RULE NINE: GROWTH—Whet Your Keenness for a Build up.


GROWTH—Whet Your Keenness for a Build up.


Growth—motility toward maturity is the expectation of every life. This is a process of becoming more important, which could mean a progression from simple to more complex forms of a being or procedure. It is an excellent characteristic of any life—given or taken to grow; you are hence, urged to birth that brainchild—the literary piece you have been conceived of, and bear in your mind: let the book’s buildup grow, for like a foetus, it is alive already. The gift—talent of writing ought to grow; since its discovery is a proof of a life that has been given. Growth actually is the expectation of the Giver—God; as evident in the parable of Talent (Bible): “The servant who multiplied his given talent by trading it was encouraged with more; on the other hand, the indolent servant who cooked up excuses for being unproductive was dispossessed of his, on the day of reckoning….”1

Creativity generally—writing inclusive are crafts with capabilities that are conditioned to grow, or their already possessed abilities, like plant lacking moisture, will shrivel and die. With growth concerns of the writing prowess, being studious—reading should be an undying habit: engage other writing exercises, which you find to develop you creatively. Classes that can boost the enablement in one way or another—creative writing or grammar class, notwithstanding, should be taken; also, endeavor to attend writers’ conferences, seminars, and webinars, to larn new writing tips. The essence of these indulgences is to keep you abreast of modern ways of writing, as the art like all others change with times. “Be not conformed to any general ways of doing things; howbeit, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, to peculiarly prove yourself to writing what is good, acceptable, and perfect, in a bid to actuate the purpose of your creation.”2 Be, in a nutshell, positively transformed, to be triumphantly conformed.

“Practice will gear you toward perfection”: Remember? At least, so it is said. For the reason of strengthening your competency with regards to writing, you have to search for jobs or apply for internship at publishing firms. Asides from bettering yourself through practice in such organizations, good relationships kept can land you publishing opportunities with little or no cost in future. Staying in this related environment will in all wise get you better when you let iron sharpen iron—allow like minds whet your focus, as much as you contribute to getting others better too. Endeavour therefore, to meet with other writers—veterans and novices, alike; there is bound to be at least a thing to learn from each interaction. With study groups, you will easily have critiques for your writing, and they will spur your willingness to adjust and adapt to better approaches of handling and tackling arising matters concerning the endeavour, which certainly will activate new growth of the possessed prowess.

Know your limits, but ignore them.”3 was said to dissuade the settling for less; especially,for a noble act, like engaging the art of writing. Having deduced your capableness, do not limit yourself; for, it is that stretch that grows you as a writer, and reflects advancement in your writing craft. Practice, again I urge you: practice! For writing as a skill is sharpened with use. Ultimately, be yourself; so as not to grow into obscurity—writing like someone else: “A writer is dear and necessary for us only in the measure of which he reveals to us the inner workings of his very soul.”4



Hope you can live up to expectation with keeping this rule: GROWTH—Whet Your Keenness for a Build up? Like the other rules preceding it, this sure will grow your writing into general acceptance. This know-how will enable you write like your writing heroes, bearing in mind that the today-celebrated authors, once were aspiring writers. As the God whom you were made like, used words to create the world, with words—well crafted, you will doubtless create staggering literary pieces, having grown into a writing god.

You can break this rule, by not being contented with the information that comes to you, but going even out of your way to get any data that will boost your knowledge bank and aid your writing projects. Research by reading and otherwise voraciously, as if your life depends on it: see that information garnering, which aids knowledge acquisition, said to build power is done—search unhindered. Let this words be your beacon as you glean: Abraham Lincoln walked miles apart, for knowledge—his law ability was self taught, but that led him to be one of America’s most revered President. You too can have dominion; take charge therefore, of your writing sphere. This, you will do when you have grown your writing prowess to proffer values through your right writing.

Rule ten and the last of the rule-series will be coming before you know it…. Keep watch!

In my next newsletter hitting your inbox soon—in two days to be precise, you will be made to ply the innumerable values so far endued upon you, to stay organized: this, in the end, will have you create qualitative literary works, for your readers. The newsletter aforesaid, will be coming your way as the tenth of our TEN RULES governing, to improve writing. It is titled: STAY ORGANIZEDit is Vital. Be expectant; for the expectation of the faithful will not be cut off.


Take charge, my colleague.

Malik Obynna.




  1. Matt. 25:24–30 Paraphrased. (Bible).
  2. Romans 12:2 Paraphrased (Bible).
  3. John Mason.
  4. Count Leo Tolstoy.



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About Malik Obynna 26 Articles
By what he does Professionally, Malik Obynna is an Author (Poetry, Inspirational, Howto Books, etc, Writer); an Artist (Painter), a Public (Motivational) Speaker, and a Blogger.

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