Writing is an Art—literary, which has had man act like God—his Creator: this, I dare say, as the art is acted with words. It is the same words, which God used to create our entire world that man—a writer uses to create his own world. The writer is one who gets inspired when he or she gets into his or her self to put down sense making strung words to feed the mental needs of his fellow man with the enablement of his or her literary prowess. Most of the time, the writers’ crafts are solution borne, and the similarity of all literary works is information they propagate.

Having established facts about writing as an art and made known the vessel of honour whose place it is to craft literary creations, the sixty-four thousand dollar question then is: Why write?

Yes! “WHY SHOULD I WRITE?” Some novice might enquire.

On a general note, the needs to write cannot be overemphasized, as there are several of them: join me in this article as we consider seven of these benefits.

1. Amplify the Reach for More

A writer is one who is qualified in some ways in tangent to the art of writing—to write, but will not write for himself: his or her burning desire is to offer people in difficulty relief of some sorts via his or her writing. Writing a book will enable a writer get to more people at the same time with a proffered solution, than an individual would ordinarily have achieved, in one-person outreach. If you agree with me that a thousand copies of a book—with the same information will tell one thousand persons what could have been told to just one, in a one-on-one communication; then you have caught the light of this point, and I need not write much on this anymore. In a nutshell, writing is a medium, maximised for far-reaching information propagation. This is one of my major drives to becoming a writer in the first place, and I have got no regrets whatsoever, thus far.


2. To Gain Untold Fame.

Some people write articles or books to gain instant peer and public recognition. The writing art projects people—writers to prominence, in the field of endeavour they choose to write; this is though, based on their written contributions that aids the profession or vocation. The endeavour brings people who engage the art to the notice of others that previously know naught about them. Initially, to be publicly known was not my concern, but I published my first book, the next … and the last, with all of these literature bearing one solution or another, I have come to the realization that the vessel containing molten gold will be gold-plated, even though it could have been made of mere brass. As much as my books are distributed and their solutions are propagated, and meeting the needs for which they are sought, I am being announced to my world. I have had appreciative calls from readers who commend my works and demand more copies as gifts for other persons. So, if you engage aright this writing game, you will end up scoring for yourself untold fame.


3. Record Publicity and Promotion.

Ever wondered why writers are called authors? It is as a result of the status of authority that a written book in a way confers on them. There are establishments with colleagues who are perhaps better skilled, and have more experiences than a writer in that field of expertise, but the writer will be most sought after, especially by the reading public; this is because the writing art creates a platform, which enables one stand out from the crowd: a good writer is seen to have power—capableness, which is what knowledge gives—the power to do, and most times that, to lead. It is assumed that the person who writes knows more about a subject in question, and possesses the power to proffer solution that is peculiar to tackling a troubling challenge; so most times, he or she is elevated to the position of authority. A book ensures that a professional is appositely recognized—brought to public notice, and highly regarded—elevated to a height of prominence by most people in the same field and many others with related interest. I live this already, and still relish the moment with one of my inspirational books* that has got me enthroned to help the misplaced in our world, find their supposed place in life: regarding their personality. Then have them live like gods who possess absolute control over their sphere at least—exercising supposed dominion on earth. You will soon live your mandate, by ‘doing,’ beyond ordinarily knowing, my friend: take charge!


4. Empowered to Correct Erroneous Facts.

A writing like biography—the writing about a person’s life experiences as accounted by another person can possibly have erroneous facts, but autobiography, which is the account as told by the one who lived the experiences is written to corroborate the happenings—most times without mistakes. In a nonfiction genre like the latter, your life’s experiences can be written to chronicle endeavours and achievements in your calling or profession to douse risen doubts, had there been any. It behooves you—the writer to help people realize the truth, especially about you, so as to restore your due, misplaced glorification: this is one advantage of engaging this noble profession—writing. Correcting misconceptions about one’s life is only a facet of work to be done as it pertains to this point—a writer can ride on the wings of this ability—writing, or its capableness to reorder societal misgivings, like we poets who are mirrors to the society, do: “with our engraved words on marbles meant for reproof, correction, and right-us-ness,1 we push anomalies to the frontiers of perfection that this decaying world will be furnished unto goodness.”2


5. Remuneration for Occupation—Source of Main Income.

It has been established for ages and written in the Good Book: “… that, if any man would not work, neither should he eat;”3 howbeit, “there is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy in his labour….4 The writing endeavours can be taken as a full time occupation, which can raise monies for the writers’ upkeeps. Like every job, it will require diligence to succeed and reach the peak of the profession. Writers are wontedly well-heeled, especially if they meet the desire of their reading target audiences, in continuance: as long as steady supply is equal to high demand, cash will doubtless flow to the side of the producer from that of the consumer. Writing is therefore, engaged to make a living. I make bold to attest to this, as multiple streams of income are opened to seasoned writer’s bank accounts—mine, inclusive: they can land speaking opportunities, as well as paid ambassadorial prospects, alongside consultancy and coaching duties. To a large extent, I am engaged in all of these enumerated tasks and charge relatively well for my products and services. Yes! You too can.


6. Pecuniary Hobby—Source of Residual Income.

Writing can place a writer on residuals, which is the payment made to the writer as long as his or her writings—books This invariably means that a writer can place his or her book sales on autopilot with good publicity and promotions, activating money inflow for him or herself without any other effort, other than a wait for … and receiving of cheques from books distributors, whilst handling other projects. Asides from self publishing and supplying to distributors—wholesalers and retailers, most deals caught with publishers are contracted on royalty terms where depending on the agreement, a percentage will go to the writer and the other to the publishing firm as long as the book sells. Book writing in other words can add to your multiple streams of income as aforementioned hereinbefore in the point, above: this happens mainly where the writer has other means of livelihood, but plies this art part-time—a hobby. Merit or demerit, I have no clear-cut demarcation between my profession and hobby—they share no borders: the advantage is, like a body made fit with incessant exercise, my passion of delivery is top-notched at all times, and continual practice with both vehicles drives my writing prowess toward perfection. I am sharing this article and more, to beckon you on board; so that we can arrive at that illusory destination—perfection together. Welcome aboard, my colleague! Once again, I reiterate: Residual Income is synonymous to Passive or Recurring Income; being that they are the monies earned long after the active work has been completed—income generated while you are no longer ‘on the clock,’ which is tantamount to having experiential liberty. You can write your way to financial freedom.


7. Live and Leave a Legacy—Elongate Life.

Words extend a man’s life: after someone dies, he or she is especially remembered for the acts, put up, and words—spoken or written. Whilst spoken words dissipate like a dispersed smoke and get to be forgotten with ease, their written counterparts stay to stand the test of time. History has compiled and kept many dead, alive for our meeting—they were immortalized. Writing can be seen as the extension of lives of humans, for their words reveal the workings of their minds—dead or alive. Legacies, which are basically handed-down heritages, are better left behind in books for coming generations to utilize. Proffered solutions to life’s challenges written in books will enhance the quality of the lives, the coming generations will lead; because a writer aided them. Let your writing grace both public and private libraries, for the finding pleasures of committed researchers of the word of truth: facts, which you perchance have been inspired to put down before leaving the stage. How would I have met Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Thomas Alva Edison, C.S. Lewis, Helen Keller, J.R.R. Tolkien, even Jesus Christ, and a host of other great and influential peopl e who trod the earth, if they were not eternised either through their writings or someone else’s? The history you read today was written yesterday; so, write your history for use tomorrow, today.

These reasons herein discoursed and more make the writing profession a worthy route to take, in the pursuit of work fulfillment. Researches have their proofs regarding this subject matter, but my experience has not failed me to make up the number of points presented in this discourse shared from the heart. I know you have your mentation—state of mind excited with agitated thoughts to be let out: you have the opportunity yourself; not somewhere else, but right here in this forum. So, relax! You must be read, and appreciated. I can’t even wait to interact with you as soon as you come on board. Let us kick off with your dropped comments about these above listed benefits of writing and their overviews.



Are you still flummoxed on the reason to write? I am in doubt. Now, look forward to the next phase: exposing Writing as a Creative Art. “Knowledge is power” they say, and that is what this blog is created for: to empower you to do exploits with your newly found career, as well as embolden you who write already, but need courage and direction to achieve set goals to live up to expectation. Hope you can fulfil your destiny in tangent to writing, especially after proffering the reasons to write in this article: “…. BUT, WHY SHOULD I WRITE? SEE SEVEN BENEFITS.”?

Now that you have got reasons to write: why dawdle? “If you consider impediments, you will not write; if you do not write, how will you partake of these benefits? You hardly can tell the minds of your judging audiences, and what could please them with each new work. In the morning write and in the evening do not yield to the beckoning of distractions, for you do not have an inkling of that, which will announce you to your world, and break the bank for you: be it the former, the latter, or both 5: write as much as the wind of inspiration blows toward you, and you can tune into the frequency of novel ideas; for indeed, not even you can predict your literary work amongst all, which will become the bestseller. All you need to do to achieve that goal beyond writing is to write right: let your composition have good delivery—be well structured grammatically, and be dredged in passion—have the contagious power to initiate change; then you sure will reap the benefits of sowing—writing.

The next newsletter bearing another insightful article will be coming before you know it…. Keep watch!

In my next Newsletter hitting your inbox soon—in two days to be precise, you will be made to understand Creative arts in general, and what makes the art of writing one; furthermore, creative thinking in tangent to creative writing and how they work in pari passu will be exposed. This will come your way with the title: THE ART OF WRITING—Creative Thinking and Writing. Be expectant; for the expectation of the faithful will not be cut off.


Take charge, my colleague.

Malik Obynna.




  1. DISCOVERY OF SELF—for a Life of Sustainable Success.
  2. Right-us-ness:    Coined from the noun—righteousness, to suit its plying.
  3. 2nd 3:16–17, paraphrased. (Bible).
  4. 2nd Thess. 3:10. (Bible).
  5. 2:24. (Bible).
  6. 11:4–6. (Bible).



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About Malik Obynna 26 Articles
By what he does Professionally, Malik Obynna is an Author (Poetry, Inspirational, Howto Books, etc, Writer); an Artist (Painter), a Public (Motivational) Speaker, and a Blogger.

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