It took two persons’ different expressions to expose the depth of their disparate imagination: where one saw a glass with water, “half empty,” the other saw the same thing, “half full.” Fact is: both of them were right; they however judged, based on personal perceptions. The same objectis perhaps seen or understood differently, as individual imaginative prowess’and powers differ, but once written … readers collectively see from a writer’s particular perspective.

In order to write right, a writer must consciously don his or her thinking cap. Thinking is the process of using the mind to critically consider something—engaging the capability to reason. This state demands a high level of focus to have a purpose worked out: the actualized purpose when thought process is employed involves the making of decisions drawn from inferences or to arrive at a solution, even passed judgements. It is in this moment of activity that the content of imagination is revealed, and it is solution borne ideas that are churned out in the thinking factory—the brain: ideas that substantiate the values of any worthy writing. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. While the latter is limited, the former encircles the world1: Yes! Logic will get you from A–Z, imagination will get you everywhere.”2 The word—imagination is the result of a merger of the words: ‘image’ and ‘nation;’ hence, I take IMAGINATION to mean the “‘images—figment or real that are native or citizens, if you will, of one’s nation—one’s mind, who pay visitations to other minds when granted visas to do so: visa being works of creativity—arts, which literary works have been established to be inclusive. Prove the quality of your creativity with the apposite plying of your imagination.

The platforms built by professional precursors—mentors—dead or alive, are good bases to erect fresh constructions; follow hence, the pathways trod by great writers like Chinua Achebe  and C.S. Lewis to reduce the workload of having to clear off impediments yourself, and walk on your own pavings: “if I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.”3 It is good to have mentors, so have one or two to look up to; howbeit, do not be ensnared in what you are told when learning. Test your mind to know what works better for you. It is the skill you master that qualities you a master in any chosen field. The mind-field is where transformations—thriving of strivings take place; meanwhile, thinking is the activity that takes place therein. When you think, do out-of-the-box. That is the only way to get fresh, outstanding results; otherwise, you will only arrive at the same solutions—now obsolete, if gotten by the old methods plied. Question status quo, and update the outdated with discovered working ways. Let the direction of your thoughts be geared toward fetching creative ideas that will enhance the quality of your writing.

Creative ideas—inspirations come unannounced, and same idea may never come again, or may show up in a different form, if it does come at all. One way to arrest and enhance creativity is to always keep journals and pens—writing implements around at all times, to be plied when the needs arise; recorders are also ideal to store ideas when they come, so they can be transcribed and added to the body of the work later—at convenience. Dream wild with your imagination while awake, and be attentive to even sleeping dreams: they can deliver original plots that will enrich your literary works.

Avoid the companionship of grousers: creativity can die there easily by indulging their company; besides, creative solutions hardly come to people who dawdle away time, complaining. The negative emotions that come with this are even contagious; avoid creating the time to even listen, and avert being sucked into the irritable quagmire where naysayers can pull you down and have your inspired ideas drowned. Make a deliberate effort to turn off negative thinking within or around you; for they can shut down the engine of creativity—writing in this context, and send a writer fast, down an abulic lane—the path of inactivity, which leads nowhere.

Would you want to soar on high altitudes in all you do? Writing, inclusive! Then make gratitude your flying carpet. Gratitude bloats creativity sphere, whilst the poker—ingratitude deflates the balloon. Be thankful for life…. And generally exude gratefulness: do well to appreciate your sources of inspiration, as well as the targets, for which you have been inspired.  Let the overview of your disposition be that of a positive attitude as you think; for this is the arable soil, in which creativity thrives. A mind that thinks up positivity sees possibility in everything, even in the seeming impossible things. “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!4 Believe you can write the book you have purposed your mind to, and you will do.



By now you must be soaring on high altitude, having imbibed to start reaping the benefits of our first five writing rules of ten. I foresee you living up to expectation with keeping this one—the fifth: IMAGINATION AND CREATIVITY—enhance them. Like other rules preceding and succeeding this, it sure will make your penning defy all odds, to be appreciated by almost, if not all readers. With this know-how, your reasoning quotient will doubtless be upgraded in all ramifications, and become emboldened to tear down all barriers, in a bid to source inspirations that will aid the crafting of bestsellers, if the capability is well utilized.

This is the rule—not a law breaker: exceed the assumed ambits of your thinking capableness by pushing your thought processes beyond the frontiers of mundaneness, to an extraordinary state where freshness is fetched to be endued upon your writingsbringing appeal to them.

Rule six of our write right rule series will be coming your way shortly…. Keep watch!

In my next newsletter hitting your inbox soon—in exactly two days, you will know how to be qualified to teach—imparting from your perception garnered knowledge via your writing, and basically realize how to be endowed with the powers it takes to lead. Yes! A writer is a leader taking their readers to a destination they had paid for when the writer’s literary pieces were purchased.

O writer! Make the loyalties of your readers worth their whiles by reading, so as to be qualified to lead them. This impartation will be coming your way as the sixth of our TEN RULES governing, to improve writing. It is titled: READ TO TEACH; READ TO LEAD. Be expectant; for the expectation of the faithful will not be cut off.


Take charge, my colleague.

Malik Obynna.




  1. Albert Einstein.
  2. Albert Einstein.
  3. Isaac Newton.
  4. Henry Ford.



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About Malik Obynna 26 Articles
By what he does Professionally, Malik Obynna is an Author (Poetry, Inspirational, Howto Books, etc, Writer); an Artist (Painter), a Public (Motivational) Speaker, and a Blogger.

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